Hand Crimping Tools

SUMA TOOL® Hand Crimping Tools


Crimping Tool is a hand held crimp tool with a single cast multi-die head, which is suitable for pre-insulated terminals from 6 – 16mm². This crimp tool is also suitable for automotive and contracting applications. This ergonomically friendly crimper is designed to provide a consistent and reliable crimp.

Recommended for: Electrical Work, Telecommunications, Aerospace, Automotive Industries.

Trapezoid Manual crimping tool AN-16WF for wire ferrule end sleeves 6-16mm2

Trapezoid Manual crimping tool AN-16WF for wire ferrule end sleeves 6-16mm2

SUMATOOL provides wide range of hand crimping tool for crimping different terminals.
Best crimping results by precise crimping dies and integral lock with self releasing mechanism when correct pressure reached.

Perfect handle gripping position,light and logical structure and handle shape design matching human being engineering prenciple,it guarantee perfect crimping effect.


                                                    Crimping type                                                       trapezoid crimping

                                                    Crimping range                                                     6-16mm2

                                                    Length                                                                     Approx.230mm

                                                    Weight of box                                                        Approx.0.60kg

                                                    Package                                                                  Blister card

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